An Insider’s Guide To Surviving Your Work Christmas Party

November 27, 2015 12:16 pm Published by Leave your thoughts


The first day of Advent is here and your work Christmas party is undoubtedly drawing nearer and nearer. To kick start the festive period, we explain how to survive your annual office ‘do in style…

1. Don’t be the one to don a Christmas jumper

work-christmas-partyEven if you’re known as the office clown, opting for a comical attire will damage your fellow colleagues’ perception of you. Yes, a Christmas jumper with battery-operated flashing lights is hilarious – however the novelty will wear off after five minutes. Keep your look conservative – blending in will be paramount for survival. 

2. Keep a glass of sparkling water firmly gripped into your hand at all times.

work-christmas-partySparkling water will be your knight in shining armour after you accept that gargantuan shot of liqueur which burns its way down your throat. Keep hydrated and you’ll deter all uncontrollable drunken antics. If this goes to pot, then dash to the nearest taxi rank – hastily and without falling over (that would be a bonus).

3. Party tricks are a no-go area.

work-christmas-partyYou impress your bosses daily by being a multi-tasking, hard-working whiz. Don’t make the schoolboy error of thinking they will also be impressed by your ‘worm’ dance move. Even if you believe you’re as good as Travolta, stay clear of any stand-out performances. Nobody likes a show-off, especially when you can’t pull the moves off.

4. Don’t be labelled the office gannet.

work-christmas-partyChristmas is the official time for feasting, but your work Christmas party is not the right place to over-indulge. Gorging on ten puff pastry sausage rolls whilst talking to your boss isn’t going to look pretty. All we’re saying is, when the buffet opens try not to make a sudden beeline with a serviette already tucked into your collar.

5. Calling in sick the next day is a death sentence.

work-christmas-partyYou will feel and look like you’ve been dragged through a hedge backwards the morning after, but there is no chance that you can opt out of work today. Why? Because 1) the entire office is in the same boat and 2) the entire office will hate you as you get to nurse your hangover at home.

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This post was written by Julia Munder
