day in life of doctor

A Day In The Life: Doctor And Blogger, Janish Kothari

Meet Janish Kothari, a doctor of internal medicine and fashion blogger (@doctajayyy) with truly classic style in the heart of New York city…

day in life of doctor
Janish wears the Donnini large doctors bag

What is the first thing that you do in the morning?

I like to maintain a routine because I feel structure is important though I am not rigid in my morning routine and certainly do allow flexibility. But, on most days, my mornings consist of a work out, breakfast and catching up on the previous night’s sporting events on the American sports channel ESPN.

How do you get ready to face the day?

I think that a good night’s rest is the most important thing for me as my days tend to be long and demanding. Also, I often remind myself of a few tasks that I need to complete by the day’s end – I try not to overwhelm myself and keep things light. I have found that this is the most refreshing approach for me because I manage to accomplish many tasks without feeling as though I am doing too much all at one time.

What item can you never leave the house without?

This is an easy one though there are three things that have to leave the house with me every single day. These are my pager, Hospital ID and most importantly, my stethoscope.


Why did you decide to become a doctor? Especially specialising in internal medicine?

I would be lying if I said that I have always wanted to be a doctor, instead it is something that I grew to love as I got older. From a very young age I had many interests – for instance, like every kid, I wanted to be an athlete or an astronaut. There was also a brief period where I had my heart set on being a professional ping pong player. I even developed a keen interest in fashion and wanted to pursue a career in fashion design.

Science, however, was something I was always passionate about as I was intrigued about how things worked. The human body to me is an incredibly brilliant creation and I was drawn to its mechanics. Around the time of high school, I found myself excelling in classes like biology and genuinely felt excited to attend lectures so I decided to explore this more as I got into college. I took more courses and that passion never died. That was the beginning of the journey I currently find myself on.

In terms of internal medicine, it was crucial for me to understand the mechanics of blood pressure or how the heart pumps to perfuse distant organs and the complications that can occur when any of these mechanisms failed were intriguing. I found myself being drawn to the heart and wanted to pursue a career in the field of cardiology. In order to do just that I have to complete a 3-year residency in Internal Medicine as a prerequisite.

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What are the biggest challenges you face day to day at work, and how do you tackle them?

Certainly the biggest challenge is the volume of work. We see a lot of patients daily and often, many of them are incredibly sick and require urgent attention. The difficulty arises in being able to tell who is sicker than the rest and who requires attention immediately which means listening to your impulses. You have to call upon everything that you have ever learnt and make quick decisions because time is life in the most intense situations. I tackle these challenges by reminding myself that I have to trust my instincts.

day in life of doctor

The Donnini large medical bag is perfect for the refined doctor, built for an entire career…

Why did you decide to also start fashion blogging over on your Instagram account @doctajayyy?

Fashion has been a big factor in my life. I think it is the ultimate form of self expression. A common phrase I come across in the fashion community is that

“fashion is a way of saying so much without saying anything at all.”

I think this is some of the truest words that have been spoken, fashion is such an nuanced creative experience. I decided to start my blog because, although I was dressing in a manner that made me feel comfortable, I wasn’t able to document it and share my vision with a larger audience. Instagram has given me a platform to share my many passions with thousands of followers and I think this is an incredible feat. The universality of this platform reminds me that fashion is instant language and I want to use this to reach and inspire as many people as I can.

How does fashion blogging fit around your busy schedule?

Blogging to me is an instant getaway from my daily life as I wanted something I was doing solely for ‘me.’ Blogging was an instant escape, it is me and my camera trying to capture images that tell a story. The way I dress on Instagram is usually how I dress at work, so it doesn’t really cut in to my “busy” schedule because its merely about stepping out for a few moments to grab a picture with the help of a friend or a colleague. With advancements in modern technology, I can edit a picture on my phone right on the fly and within minutes after taking a photo it is ready to post. As far as my captions go, I have a range of thoughts that I want to share, topics that I want to address and I draw upon inspirations from motivational speakers such as Les Brown, Eric Thomas, excerpts from movies/TV shows and my own life experiences. It then is merely about jotting down my thoughts and sharing them with the world.

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How would you describe your everyday style?

I think my everyday style is the perfect harmony of old school class with a hint of modern flavor and garnished with a touch of color. Honestly, I truly believe that I was born in the wrong time period. I look at gents from the Golden Age of Hollywood such as Frank Sinatra, Cary Grant, Marlon Brando, Warren Beatty, Steve McQueen and James Dean to name a few and I feel like that is my era. It is all about wool trousers, suspenders, herringbone button ups, three piece suits and pristinely polished oxfords, that is happiness to me. However, I can humbly say that my style is eclectic at the same time. I have taken inspirations from modern day style icons such as David Beckham, Brad Pitt, George Clooney and even Pharell Williams. I think what separates me from most fashion enthusiasts is that I don’t limit my taste and explore multiple avenues of expressing myself.

How do you maintain a work life balance?

I maintain work life balance by detaching myself from my job once I leave the hospital. Admittedly that is not the easiest thing to do and I would be lying if I said that when I get home from work I don’t think about my patients but, I have learned that this can eventually become crippling. I often say that in medicine

“you have to give up your life in order to save another”

and I don’t think that is very far from the truth. We sacrifice so much of our youth to get the education, so when we have some time it is just as important to maintain personal mental health by indulging in activities that bring you inner peace and happiness. I make sure to make time for my friends, family and loved ones at every opportunity I get. Whether this means going back to my parent’s place for a night on a weekend, grabbing a quick bite with friends or working on my next post.

day in life of doctor
Janish wears the Donnini large medical bag

What makes you happy in a day?

I have been blessed enough to have the privilege to be able to choose to be happy. What enhances my happiness, however, are the people in my life. I do not know what I would do without them and their immense level of support. It is about the little things, like talking about our days, having dinner together, and just hanging out and letting time pass. Their impact on my life is especially evident when my time is limited and I am not able to allocate enough time for them. Being in the medical field is certainly a demanding job and one of my main priorities is to assure that I do what I can to make time for these people because it is where my happiness stems from.

day in life of doctor
An Autumnal Central Park

Where are your favorite places to visit in NYC in autumn?

That is an easy one. Without hesitation I would have to say Central Park. The colors are simply too beautiful. I feel bad for those who can’t experience the beauty that falls upon the northern states in America during the last months of the year. The reds that light up the world, the yellows that start to cover the roads as they leave their trees and the oranges that fall silently to the ground in preparation of the cold months to come. The colors are warm and vibrant that wipes out the blanket of green from the departing season. The landscape somehow becomes richer and the color scheme is one that you will always associate with the autumn months. Plus, autumn makes for the perfect photo opportunity…what is not to like.

What is the best way to unwind after a long day at work?

I am a proponent of a healthy lifestyle and keeping vices within moderation. My go-to unwinding techniques include listening to music (rap, hip-hop, rock and jazz), exercise is important as release of endorphins has been proven to reduce stress levels, and getting adequate sleep is important for me so I can be on my A-game when I am at work and operating under stressful conditions.


What are you currently reading/binge-watching/avidly listening to?

I haven’t had the opportunity to pick up a new book recently for leisure purposes, most of my reading consists of medical content. Though one of my biggest vices is watching TV and in the world of streaming television I find myself on Netflix quite often. I am utterly obsessed with nature documentaries and have seen both Planet Earth seasons multiple times – the cinematography is captivating to me. I also religiously watch Marvel TV shows such as Daredevil, Luke Cage, Iron Fist among a few others.

Music wise, I have fairly eclectic taste. My taste ranges from rap/hip-hop to R&B to Jazz and even rock music. Currently in my rotation I have been listening to Logic’s new album called YSIV. He is been my favorite artist since 2010 when I discovered him online and I have seen him grow to this huge mainstream artist over the years. I also often find myself in a classy mood and you can frequently find me listening to the classics of Frank Sinatra, Louis Armstrong and Etta James.

What is the last thing that you do in the evening?

Right before I fall asleep, I check my Instagram and respond to comments, DMs and interact with my followers; all while I have some music playing in the background of course. I also find a few moments to go through my group chats with my friends and see what went on in their lives throughout the day. My girlfriend is a big part of my life as well and catching up with her at the end of the day is one of those things that I look forward to. It is important to focus on communicating with your partner to maintain a strong relationship.

Do you have a life motto?

Yes I do. I always think that:

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“A mistake that makes you humble is better then an achievement that makes you arrogant.”

This is one of many mottos for me. I am well aware that life is all about learning and it really is the best teacher. No method of teaching is better then personal experience. I can gladly say that I have made more mistakes in my life then I wish to count, and if I had the opportunity to repeat those mistakes I would make them again because what I gained in the aftermath has been invaluable for me in my personal growth and maturation.

Which is your favorite Maxwell-Scott product?

So far I would certainly have to say the luxurious Donnini Large doctor’s bag. It has the perfect balance of style, quality and utility. It instantly fits with everything in my closet and compliments many outfits with ease. It is truly functional because of its size which makes it easy to carry around but with its ample space that is big enough to accommodate all of my papers, stethoscope and a quick change of clothes if needed. After only few uses, I have gotten an abundance of compliments from friends and colleagues.

Show your devotion this Christmas to the doctor in your life with a medical bag briefcase, a daily reminder of your love…