The Definition of a Gentleman – What makes a gentleman?

April 17, 2016 8:00 am Published by Leave your thoughts


Look inside the wardrobe of a 21st century gentleman and you are bound to find a fusion of style references from both the past and the present. As the lines merge between classic and contemporary, it is now harder than ever to decipher the true definition of a gentleman. When you peel back the sartorial layers of a gentleman, what exactly do you find at the core? We took our favourite men’s style bloggers for a brief tête-à-tête over an espresso and posed this simple question – what makes a gentleman?

Sven Raphael Schneider , Founder of Gentleman’s Gazette

“A gentleman is someone who lives style in its entirety. That means it has to be reflected in your manicure, your clothes, your haircut, your accessories but also in your manners, your humor and your mindset.”
Read Raphael’s article about the Paolo briefcase, here.



Craig Landale – Editor in Chief of Menswear Style

“I think the first steps to being seen as a true gentlemen is to master gentleman’s etiquette. This includes manners, attitude and respect among other positive behaviours.”
Craig writes about the Vieste travel wallet, here.




Giuliano Caracciolo – Founder of Timeless Gent

“A gentleman is someone who has their style, values and mannerism aligned. They must be consistent with themselves and others. Having a core set of values portrayed consistently and confidently is the essence of any great gentleman of the past and present.”
Giuliano reviews the Paolo briefcase, here.



Barron Cuadro, Founder of Effortless Gent

“Being a gent isn’t exclusively about the clothing you wear. It isn’t just about the watch on your wrist, the scotch in your glass, the label on your cigar, or the hotness level of the woman on your arm. It’s about how you carry yourself. How you behave when no one else is watching. How you treat those who owe him nothing.”

Barron features the Lorenzo briefcase, here.




Claudia Wegner, The Gentleman Blog

“The modern Gentleman is characterised by his actions and his behaviour but not his clothing. Being a Gentleman is a way of life. It improves with time and requires a certain degree of maturity. It is comprised of a free mindset, understanding and courtesy towards one’s fellow men and last but not least a touch of humour.”

Read the Gentleman Blog, here.


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This post was written by Julia Munder
